Wednesday 1 April 2015

Paleo 30 day challenge: Day 4 - 26/03/15

So my plan for maintaining a daily blog appears to have fallen down after just 3 days.  However, I have been busy.

On Thursday night I had a stand up gig, and Friday through Sunday I was away on a mini break with my girlfriend.  Really, this was to be my first real test of my diet and, frankly, my resolve.

On Thursday I was a little naughty in that I didn't eat in the evening before leaving for my gig.  Well, I had a banana, but that isn't really a meal, is it?  No, I feel like I'm going back in our shared genealogy enough with doing the 'caveman' diet.  I might give the 'chimp' diet a miss.

To add to the difficulty, the gig in question was one I book as well, and it was the 1st anniversary birthday special.  This meant plenty of booze and cake on offer.  Could I resist?

Well, I did resist the cake, but as for the booze...

Ok, so the deal with the Paleo diet is that strictly speaking you shouldn't have any alcohol at all.  Unsurprisingly, there are many who follow a Paleo diet who have attempted to find loopholes within this.  More to the point, people know they really don't want to cut out drinking altogether, so if you're going to sin, what is the least bad option?

Wheat and barley are essential ingredients for beer and lager, so they can be forgotten for a start.  If there is an argument for an acceptable alcoholic drink on the Paleo diet, it's wine.  This was after reading up on various Paleo blogs and websites.

Then it occurred to me that a lot of the info I was reading about alcohol was on American websites, and the writers were likely to forget about one drink in particular - cider!  In America it is much more a minority drink than it is here in the UK (usually referred to as 'hard cider', as cider is what they call apple juice).  So I googled it and BINGO, cider is ok.

Again, when I say 'ok', it isn't really in the strictest sense Paleo, but cider and wine are the alcoholic drinks that break the rules the least.  One website suggested that in terms of diet flexibility you should stick to 85/15.  In other words, you can have non-paleo food 15% of the time.

That doesn't leave much so hey, I made my choice!

I'm not a heavy drinker anyway, but it's nice to have something to look forward to.

In the end, the gig was lovely.  I was presented with a birthday cake, which I took home and my girlfriend shared amongst our housemates (my loss, their gain).  At the end of the night I had a single glass of red wine.

And it tasted gooooooood.

In the next blog I'll cover my weekend trip away and how I got on staying Paleo whilst mixing camping with eating out.

If anyone who is following the Paleo diet has an opinion on whether alcohol should be considered at all, let me know.

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