Wednesday 15 April 2015

Paleo 30 day challenge: Day 8-13 (30th March - 4th April 2015)

People say that doing the Paleo diet sounds like a fad.  Well, this week I went fad-tastic and started having bulletproof coffee!

This concept originates in America (where else?).  At first it sounds like an even handed response to gun crime - "are you sick and tired of having your morning latte destroyed in a drive by?..."

But no.  The concept comes from the concept of life hacks.

Life hacks are little tips and ideas that are really simple to do, but help you a lot in your life.  Websites are full of click bait with these ideas, such as using ring pulls as cable tidies, that kind of thing.

Well one guy decided he wanted to try and 'hack' coffee. Dave Asprey wanted to get the most out of his Java.  Instead of drinking throughout the day he wanted to have just one drink that gave him the most benefits possible.

It turned out to be so popular a concept that he trademarked the term 'bulletproof coffee', and started selling his own range.  You can find details on his website.

To make a bulletproof coffee you start off with 'upgraded' coffee beans.  The idea is that normal beans will not do, where-as the 'upgraded' beans are free from toxins.  Dave Asprey said he created his own brand by testing coffee and finding the best, but hey, he is also selling the concept for profit.

I can't really say from my experience if it is better or not, but I went with it for the sake of experimentation.  Shopping around I bought this brand online.  It isn't the same brand that Dave Asprey sells, so if that makes a difference or not, I don't know, but from what I can tell it is a superior brand.  There is every chance, of course, that I am just being taken in by branding!

You brew the coffee, and blend it with butter and MCT oil.

If you hadn't heard of bulletproof coffee before, this is the bit that will blow your mind - butter!

Yep, and only grass fed butter will do apparently.  Thankfully that's simple enough to source, and Kerrygold fits the mark perfectly and is widely available.  Oh, and unsalted of course, because, well, yuk!

MCT stands for Medium Chain Triglycerides, but I'm sure you knew that already.  Erm, moving on...

You blend all this together and hey presto, you have your coffee.

Again, if you haven't tried it already it's the butter you will be concerned about.  Well, I have to say, it does taste nice.  It simply tastes like a very luxurious latte.

It is being recommended to all as the perfect morning drink.  However, I think it should work better for those on a Paleo diet purely because our bodies are geared up to using fat as our main source of energy, otherwise I think it might be a bit excessive as part of a daily regime.

How have I found it?

Well, as I say, the taste is one I've found pleasant.  I've also found it simple enough to make as part of my morning routine.  What I do is put the kettle on as I wake, then whilst sorting food for the day I set the coffee to brew.  I blend it up and take it with me in a travel mug and drink it as I drive to work.

It gives me a lift but I can't say I'm finding it life changing.  Perhaps I could try a more 'on-message' coffee type, or maybe I'm not not using enough butter - measuring a tablespoon of butter taken from a block in the fridge is not as easy you might think!

I will keep with it for now and see how I get on.

If you have had 'bulletproof coffee' please let me know how you do it, and how you found it.

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